Dear Internet Users,
AdSense for content automatically crawls the content of your pages and delivers ads (you can choose both text or image ads) that are relevant to your audience and your site content, ads so well matched, in fact, that your readers will actually find them useful.
AdSense for search allows website publishers to provide Google web and site search to their visitors and to earn money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages.Have you tried to generate income from Google AdSense, but have been frustrated by your efforts?
Are you constantly making changes to your AdSense sites, only to be disappointed every month when the payment arrives from Google.
Are you tired of hearing how it is possible to generate a considerable income with AdSense, when your own experience suggests otherwise?WE will provide one website more than 100 pages with the 8 e-books given at the bottom of page.
"...AdSense is still packing a powerful punch..."You might be surprised to learn then that there has never been a better time to make money through AdSense. Figures released by Google recently show that AdSense is still packing a powerful punch. AdSense publishers earned $1.87 billion in the third quarter last year. That’s $1.87 billion, someone has to be doing something right!
At the same time, there is a lot of hype that surrounds AdSense. Have you been deceived by this hype? I hope not.
What Can AdSense Do for You?AdSense can be extremely lucrative, but you need to do your research. If you are truly interested in learning how to increase your revenue with AdSense then you need to be prepared to take the time and learn how to do it properly. I’ll teach you how to increase traffic to your website by making just three little changes. I will also teach you how to keep that traffic coming back by implementing five commonly forgotten techniques.
AdSense Discovery promises what the name implies. I have spent the last two years experimenting and testing my AdSense sites and I am now ready to share with you the secret methods that I’ve discovered. The ones that make receiving my monthly Google payment extremely enjoyable.
For AdSense beginners, you will discover absolutely everything you need to know in order to get started. You will learn how to build your own AdSense websites, become conversant with HTML and will be able to start inserting your own AdSense code.
If you already are an AdSense expert, then you will still find a wealth of information on driving traffic to your website, making your pages friendly to receive that traffic and increasing your click through rate (CTR). You will also benefit from powerful tools which will eliminate your stress levels by doing a great deal of the work for you in a fraction of the time.
"...the total package you receive will exceed your expectations..."
Whatever your level of experience is, the total package you receive will exceed your expectations. With my help, you are finally going to discover the beauty of AdSense, as you will be implementing a number of little-known secrets that will raise your revenue stream.
Included in AdSense Discovery are a number of products each designed to increase the amount of money you earn from Google and the ease with which you do so. Each product guides you through process until you are fully proficient with profiting from AdSense.
I will teach you a number of methods that you might be surprised you didn’t think of before; such as how to profit by jumping on the Blogging bandwagon. You will also benefit from tips from Five Top AdSense Experts, as well as receive access to a complete database of highly sought after keywords for you to build your AdSense sites around.
I generate a huge monthly income with AdSense and I look forward to helping you do the same.
Our Adsense Kit:
Provides you one website more than 100 pages. The sooner your content is up, the quicker you can start making money with AdSense.
Instructs you how to write more advanced HTML code.
Enables you to create a website with multiple pages.
Gives you secret ‘insider’ tips on how to drive traffic to your website.
Provides a click attracting template to exponentially raise your CTR.
Ensures that your ads are positioned in the most advantageous and eye-catching positions.
Shows you how to design ads that blend in with the page to look as if they are part of the content.
Ensures your pages are friendly to receive traffic, meaning that once your visitors arrive they will want to spend time at your site.
Allows you to access simple tips that will revolutionize how you direct traffic to your website with very little time and effort on your part.
Gives you the ability to manipulate the Search Engines to come to your site and index it in the Search Engine rankings.

AdSense Discovery promises what the name implies. I have spent the last two years experimenting and testing my AdSense sites and I am now ready to share with you the secret methods that I’ve discovered. The ones that make receiving my monthly Google payment extremely enjoyable.
For AdSense beginners, you will discover absolutely everything you need to know in order to get started. You will learn how to build your own AdSense websites, become conversant with HTML and will be able to start inserting your own AdSense code.
If you already are an AdSense expert, then you will still find a wealth of information on driving traffic to your website, making your pages friendly to receive that traffic and increasing your click through rate (CTR). You will also benefit from powerful tools which will eliminate your stress levels by doing a great deal of the work for you in a fraction of the time.
"...the total package you receive will exceed your expectations..."
Whatever your level of experience is, the total package you receive will exceed your expectations. With my help, you are finally going to discover the beauty of AdSense, as you will be implementing a number of little-known secrets that will raise your revenue stream.
Included in AdSense Discovery are a number of products each designed to increase the amount of money you earn from Google and the ease with which you do so. Each product guides you through process until you are fully proficient with profiting from AdSense.
I will teach you a number of methods that you might be surprised you didn’t think of before; such as how to profit by jumping on the Blogging bandwagon. You will also benefit from tips from Five Top AdSense Experts, as well as receive access to a complete database of highly sought after keywords for you to build your AdSense sites around.
I generate a huge monthly income with AdSense and I look forward to helping you do the same.
Our Adsense Kit:
Provides you one website more than 100 pages. The sooner your content is up, the quicker you can start making money with AdSense.
Instructs you how to write more advanced HTML code.
Enables you to create a website with multiple pages.
Gives you secret ‘insider’ tips on how to drive traffic to your website.
Provides a click attracting template to exponentially raise your CTR.
Ensures that your ads are positioned in the most advantageous and eye-catching positions.
Shows you how to design ads that blend in with the page to look as if they are part of the content.
Ensures your pages are friendly to receive traffic, meaning that once your visitors arrive they will want to spend time at your site.
Allows you to access simple tips that will revolutionize how you direct traffic to your website with very little time and effort on your part.
Gives you the ability to manipulate the Search Engines to come to your site and index it in the Search Engine rankings.
Enables you to keep the traffic that comes to your website by making small changes.
How Does One Earn Money On The Internet with A Website?
Online companies run very popular and money-making ads on the internet. You may have noticed ads on several websites. Infact you are here because you clicked on one of those ads, right? You can make lots of money from ads put by these companies on your web site.
You can earn from EACH and EVERY click on these ads from EACH and EVERY page on your web site. Remember, you or your website visitors do not have to buy or sell a single thing. You don't even have to meet anybody. These companies pay you simply for the clicks on the ads! Once these companies display their ads on your website you don't need to do anything else - besides receiving your commission you get every month for the clicks on the ads! Earning money has never been made easier.
It's difficult for these companies to disclose exactly how much you'll earn per ad that is clicked due to several factors. Those who have worked with these programs have informed us of earning anywhere from 2 cents to $15 per click. That's upto Rs.600/- a click.
Online companies run very popular and money-making ads on the internet. You may have noticed ads on several websites. Infact you are here because you clicked on one of those ads, right? You can make lots of money from ads put by these companies on your web site.
You can earn from EACH and EVERY click on these ads from EACH and EVERY page on your web site. Remember, you or your website visitors do not have to buy or sell a single thing. You don't even have to meet anybody. These companies pay you simply for the clicks on the ads! Once these companies display their ads on your website you don't need to do anything else - besides receiving your commission you get every month for the clicks on the ads! Earning money has never been made easier.
It's difficult for these companies to disclose exactly how much you'll earn per ad that is clicked due to several factors. Those who have worked with these programs have informed us of earning anywhere from 2 cents to $15 per click. That's upto Rs.600/- a click.
These companies will send you monthly cheques as commission to your postal address. You can view your earnings at any time by logging in to your account. Even if it is 3:00 a.m.
Google AdSense is the way to make money free online by displaying relevant,text-based, un-obtrusive ads from Google AdWords (Google's own advertising program)and receiving a share of the pay-per-click payment.Now, Google AdSense is the best way to make money free online from informational siteseven if there are no obvious related affiliate programs.But you don't need to disregard affiliate programs.You can combine both these ways to make money free online and double your income.Google AdSense is easy to join,It doesn't cost you anything, all you have to do is paste a few lines of code into your pages.Google does the work of finding the best ads for them from hundreds of thousands of AdWordsadvertisers. Google's AdSense is automatically matches the best possible advertisement with the content onyour Web page, and making the ads magically quite relevant to your website.The advertiser Creates advertisements that they want to pay to have appear either on Google's search result pages .What makes this more interesting is that advertisers don't pay to have their adverts show up on either Google or separate content sites,but instead pay when the ads are clicked by customers,what we call "pay per click" or PPC.A percentage of the amount that the company pays Google for displaying the ad is then shared with the AdSense-enabled web site owner.If, say, the advertiser pays $1.00 i.e. Rs50 for a visitor to their site through AdWords,then Google will pay a percentage of that amount(the exactly amount has not been stated by the company)to you, perhaps $0.20, perhaps more. I realize that $0.20 (Rs.10) doesn't sound like muchmoney, but if you have a few hundred visitors a week,and some percentage of them click on these adverts,you could easily make $20-$100 (Rs.1000 to 5000) or much more from your site each week,without having to do any work other than add the special AdSense code to the pages in the first place.It's simple, easy to accomplish, you never have to negotiate with advertisers,you don't have to bill anyone at all,and every month or two you'll get a nice little check from Google corporate.!!!
How Much Can I Earn With AdSense?
Google does not disclose exactly how much you'll earn per ad that is clicked.The commission you receive per click depends on how much advertisers are paying Google forthe particular ad. You will earn a share of that amount.I've heard of earnings anywhere from 2 cents to $15 (Rs.5 to Rs.600) per click.So it is logical to believe that keyword phrases like debt free, employment, make money, mp3, sex, will earn you more per clicksince these are highly competitive keywords that are searched for quite a bit on the web. Advertisers generally pay more for popular terms because they are searched for more.Even though Google will not reveal how much you are earningfor each ad that is clicked from your site,you can still login to your account at any time and see the total amount of revenue you'vegenerated that day, week, month, year, etc.
Example if you see that you've made $20 today from 10 clicks then you can calculate that your averageclick-thru commission was $2 per click(Rs.100 per click). That's as detailed as their stats will get. Also remember, that's only an average. You won't know how much each specific ad brought in.The amount you'll earn also depends largely on the amount of targeted trafficyou receive to your own site, how well the ads match your audience's interests,the placement of the ads on your pages, and of course the amount you receive per click.Ideally, you should create a site on a topic you know a lot about. That way you'll have a mucheasier time creating a generous amount of content on that subject.
Click through value:-Rs.10 (the advertiser pays Rs.10 per click for the Ad to Google)
Payout Rate:- 50% or 0.5 (This is an assumption based on what maqny expert believe to be the current payout rate for most deals)
Clickthrough rate of the Ad:- The Ad is displayed 5o times within the day and clicked by 5 people:-the clickthrough rate would be 0.05
Webpage traffic:- 100 visitors during the days.
Frequency of Ad:- 100 The Income per day from a single Ad would be=10*0.5*0.05*100*50=Rs.1250
If you consider this to be the average income per day, the total revenue generated within a month would be more than Rs.30000.This is incredible, considering you basically did nothing to earn that money. We know of cases where people have earned even more than Rs.50000 a month with AdSense, which is a large sum to anyone. Our goal is to equip you to get started on the road to making money with AdSense.
How AdSense Works ?
For years, website owners have tried to make money from their sites by putting up banner ads in hopes of visitors clicking them.The problem with banner ads is that the Internet audience is so immune to them,people do not click on them anymore.When's the last time you clicked a banner ad? .
Second, in order for the web site owner to earn money from that banner ad,usually the web surfer that clicks has to purchase something. With AdSense, your visitors just have to click the ads.They don't have to purchase a single thing.
Third, most people that use banner ads do not do a good job of matching the ads to the website's content so the click thrue percentages are dismal.With Google's AdSense, not only are you displaying text ads, but you are displaying contextual ads that match your website's content...Lots of times people think the ads are part of your site's content so they click because the information is relevant to your site. Whereas with banner ads, they often have little relevance and people tend to ignore them no matter how much they flash and fly across the page.All you do is copy and paste some provided HTML code into your pages and Voila! The ads will show up. Every time an ad is clicked on your site, you will receive a certain percentage of what Google receives from the advertiser.
How to Join Google AdSense ?
Most sites are either accepted or rejected within 24 to 48 hours,so you shouldn't have to wait too long to find out if your application has been approved.Once you've been accepted, simply copy and paste the provided HTML code into any pagethat you'd like to show the ads. If you've done a good job of defining the content on your web pages,the ads that show should be relevant to the content of your page...increasing the chances of click-thrus by your visitors.You can either display the ads vertically along side the page like Google does or in a banner-like formation horizontally across your pages. The placement is up to you. You can even customize the colors to match your site's theme.Note that when you sign up, you'll need to specify a Web site or weblog that you plan on incorporating AdSense:Not every site is approved, however, so make sure yours has valuable and unique contentand a design that doesn't include too many advertisements. DON'T WORRY WE WILL PROVIDE ALL THE DETAILS IN OUR "ADSENSE KIT".
Why My Website Is Rejected by Google...?
If your site has not been acceptedthe first thing you should remember is that as an AdSense member,you become a partner and are representing Google, Inc.They have to make sure the websites that display these ads are up to par or they could run therisk of losing advertisers. Imagine if you were paying Google to display your ad and you found it showing up on a poorly developed, .if your site is rejected, it doesn't mean it is poorly developed. There may be other reasons:
1) Is your site an exact carbon copy of someone else's?
Some believe Google can find out if your site is original or not. Don't risk it and steal fromsomeone else. It will come back to haunt you.
2) Is your content solid?
Don't just submit a website with a bunch of links to other sites. Be sure you have athemed/niche site with enough original content of your own.
3) How many pages are on your site?
Even though Google doesn't specify a page number requirement, many believe they are lookingfor web sites with a certain amount of content. Again, it's not likely a two-page site will getaccepted. Try to strive for at least 15 pages.
4) Is your site organized?
Be sure your site has a neat and clean navigation that's easy to follow. Also ensure all the linkswork and that there are no typos. Keep the colors to a minimum and make sure each page has a consistent layout.
5) Is your site an "About Me" page?
Google does not usually accept these kinds of personal sites because most of them do not havea specific topic or theme. They are usually just random facts about the website owner or theirhobbies, pictures, etc. It would be difficult for Google's technology to display targeted ads onthese kinds of pages because the topics vary from subject to subject.They are looking for "themed" sites that contain a generous amount of information on a specifictopic. It could be anything from sewing tips to sports. Just make sure there is an obvioustheme with adequate information.
6) Be sure to read their program policy and procedures carefully
Important Warning: Do not click on your ads!!!
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